Dicey Langston Statue Project in Traveler's Rest, SC

Laodicea Langston and Thomas Springfield and Their Descendants

Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, author of The Patriot Wore Petticoats and 4th Great Granddaughter of Dicey Langston and Thomas Springfield.

I am Marnie Pehrson Kuhns, the 4th great granddaughter of Dicey Langston through her son Solomon Langston Springfield. My goal is to compile the largest reservoir of information on the descendants of Dicey and Thomas Springfield. I will be adding information as it becomes available. If you have information or pictures of any of Dicey and Thomas’ descendants that you would like to contribute to this archive, please email them to marnie@marniekuhns.com.

Bennett Springfield’s Bible (Son of Thomas & Dicey Springfield)

Dicey and Thomas’s Children