Where Did Dicey Langston Cross the River to Save the Elder Settlement at Little Eden?
Revolutionary War heroine, Dicey Langston crossed the Enoree River in the middle of the night to save the Elder Settlement at Little Eden from the Bloody Scouts. According to historian, Paul A. Wood, Jr., she most likely crossed the river at Sandy Ford which is where SC 49 crosses the Enoree in Lauren’s SC. (Read Paul A. Woods Article about Dicey here.)
Mr. Wood was assisted in his search for the spot that Dicey crossed the river by Mr. John C. “Jack” Parker, Jr. Jack found the probably location with aerial photography. He could see rapids. Paul A. Woods looked at the old roads, then at current roads, and that’s where I stood, on the bridge where SC 49 crosses the river.
The Solomon Langston farm is very close to this spot on the Enoree River. According to Mr. Wood, Dicey would have traveled 2.5 – 4 miles to go from her Laurens home to Little Eden… it just depends upon where their home sat on the Langston property.

My husband and I set out in search of the location and took the following video of Sandy Ford.
Read an account of Dicey Langston crossing the Enoree River to save the Elder Settlement at Little Eden in my novel based on her adventures, “The Patriot Wore Petticoats.”
That is very interesting!